Projector Mode
Switching Slides in the Slide Show
The Desktop Drawing Tool displays
(Next) and
(Previous) buttons when a Slide Show is running.
(1) Click
(Next) or
(Previous) in the Desktop Drawing Tool.
These perform the same operation as "Next" and "Previous" in a PowerPoint Slide Show.
• Controlling a PowerPoint Slide Show
A PowerPoint Slide Show can be run using the Desktop Drawing Tool. In addition, because the functions
Next and Previous can also be performed, there is no need to momentarily change to the pointer to switch
slides when selecting the Marker or Eraser. Drawing data is recorded for each slide, so the drawing data
will always be displayed for the corresponding slide. Drawing data can be saved in a file, which enables
reuse the next time the presentation is run.
To use the PowerPoint Slide Show features, PowerPoint
97 or later must be installed on the computer.
The drawing data for slides is used by the Desktop Drawing Tool. It is not PowerPoint data.
Running a Slide Show
(1) Click
(PowerPoint Slide Show) in the Desktop Drawing Tool.
The Open dialog box will appear.
(2) Enter the file path and file name of the PowerPoint file that runs the Slide Show.
The file name extension is ".ppt".
(3) Click the [Open] button.
PowerPoint will be launched and the Slide Show will automatically run.
• Clicking
(PowerPoint Slide Show) when the PowerPoint file is open will automatically run the Slide
Show of the open file without displaying the Open dialog box. This will be the Slide Show controlled.
• To control a Slide Show that PowerPoint is running, click
(PowerPoint Slide Show).
Quitting the Slide Show
(1) Click
(PowerPoint Slide Show) in the Desktop Drawing Tool when the Slide Show
is running.
The PowerPoint Slide Show will be stopped.
• If the end of the Slide Show is reached through
(Next) or other operations without clicking
(PowerPoint Slide Show), the Desktop Drawing Tool will automatically sense the end of the Slide
Show and stop.
• The drawing data will not be displayed when switching slides without using the Desktop Drawing Tool. In
this case, clicking
(Refresh) button will display the drawing data.