Advanced (Recording pictures)
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Set here when you want to take pictures of sports scenes or other fast-moving events.
• It will be a normal motion picture recording during the motion picture recording.
• When the camera is set to [STABILIZER] and there is very little jitter, or if [STABILIZER] is set
to [OFF], shutter speed may slow down up to 1 second.
• This mode is suitable for taking pictures of subjects at distances of 5 m (16.4 feet) or more.
• Intelligent ISO is activated, and maximum ISO sensitivity level becomes [ISO1600].
This allows you to take pictures of a person and the background with near real-life
Technique for Night Portrait Mode
• Use the flash. (You can set to [
• Ask the subject not to move while taking a picture.
• During motion picture recording, low light settings [
] are used, which will provide
better pictures in dimly lit rooms or at nightfall.
• The focus range is 50 cm (1.64 feet) (Wide)/1.2 m (3.94 feet) (Tele) to 5 m (16.4 feet).
• We recommend using a tripod and the self-timer for taking pictures.
• When the camera is set to [STABILIZER] and there is very little jitter, or if [STABILIZER] is set
to [OFF], shutter speed may slow down up to 8 seconds.
• The shutter may remain closed (max. about 8 sec.) after taking the picture because of signal
processing. This is not a malfunction.
• Noise may become visible when you take pictures in dark places.
• The initial setting for [AF MODE] is [
This allows you to take vivid pictures of the nightscape.
• During motion picture recording, low light settings [
] are used, which will provide
better pictures in dimly lit rooms or at nightfall.
• The flash setting is fixed to [
• The focus range is 5 m (16.4 feet) to
• We recommend using a tripod and the self-timer for taking pictures.
• When the camera is set to [STABILIZER] and there is very little jitter, or if [STABILIZER] is set
to [OFF], shutter speed may slow down up to 8 seconds.
• The shutter may remain closed (max. about 8 sec.) after taking the picture because of signal
processing. This is not a malfunction.
• Noise may become visible when you take pictures in dark places.