Outputs following information in a line.
Local IP address (IP address of the reader)
Local Port number (TCP server port number of the reader)
Remote IP address(IP address of the connected PC)
Remote Port number (Port number of the connected PC)
TCP/IP server socket status
?netstat IPBAR
Outputs information about the destination of reading result in a line.
Local IP address (IP address of the imager)
Local Port number (TCP client port number of the imager)
Remote IP address (IP address to send reading results)
Remote Port number(Port number to send reading results)
Status of TCP client communication to send reading results
?netstat IPIMG
Outputs information about the destination of reading result in a line.
Local IP address (IP address of the imager)
Local Port number (TCP client port number of the imager)
Remote IP address (IP address to send image data)
Remote Port number (Port number to send image data)
Status of TCP client communication to send image data
Outputs following information in a line.
Local IP address (IP address of the reader)
Local Port number (TCP server port number of the reader)
System version
Decoder version
Model name
discon<TCP/IP Port number>
Shut down TCP/IP connection of the specified port number.
* <TCP/IP port number> should be set in decimal.
e.g.) discon 27110