Continuous Reading Mode
In Continuos Reading Mode the reader read repeatedly. It is used for camera
To put the reader in Continuous Reading Mode, send the serial command “continue”
to the reader, and then send the serial command “g” to start reading.
To exit the Continuous Reading Mode, send the serial command “stop” to the reader.
Test Mode
In Test Mode the reader can measure the reading ratio. It is used for checking of the
reading condition and stability.
To put the reader in Test Mode and start reading, send the serial command “TEST=1”
to the reader.
To exit the Test Mode, send the serial command “TEST=0” to the reader.
With Test Mode, the reader will output an asterisk (*) to the host for each 10% of total
number of reading. The reader will stop the Test Mode after output an asterisk 10
(Example output)
*** TEST MODE ***
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
* * * * * * * * * *
NG 1: OK 99/SYNC 100
NG 1.00%: OK 99.00%
(Output format)
NGaaaaa: OKbbbbb/SYNCccccc[CR]
NGddd.dd%: Okeee.ee%[CR]
aaaaa : NG Count (0 - 65535, maximum number is 65535)
bbbbb : OK Count (0 - 65535, maximum number is 65535)
ccccc : SYNC Input
(NOT displayed more than 65535 )
ddd.dd: NG Rate
(0.00-100.00, Displayed to the second decimal place)
eee.ee: OK Rate
(0.00-100.00, Displayed to the second decimal place)