Result Message
Applicable Screens
The operation has successfully completed.
All screens except
Failed (Parameter Error)
The operation failed because:
Some specified values are out of range
or invalid.
All screens
Failed (Memory Access
The operation failed because:
Access error to the flash memory
occurred while reading or writing the
All screens
Failed (Transfer Failure)
The operation failed because:
A network error occurred during the
data transmission.
All screens
Failed (Busy)
The operation failed because:
The unit is in an operation that
accesses the flash memory of the unit.
All screens
When attempting to import/export the
phonebook data, the unit is on a call.
While transferring the phonebook data,
a call arrived at the unit.
4.6.6 Import Phonebook
4.6.7 Export Phonebook
Failed (Canceled)
The operation failed because:
While transferring the phonebook data,
the connection with the unit was
4.6.6 Import Phonebook
4.6.7 Export Phonebook
Failed (Invalid File)
The operation failed because:
Analysis of the received data failed.
Failed (File Size Error)
The operation failed because:
The size of the imported phonebook is
too large.
No Data
The operation failed because:
The imported phonebook file contains
no valid phonebook entries.
No phonebook entry is registered in the
export source the unit.
"Failed (Transfer Failure)" may not be displayed depending on your Web browser.
1.2 Firmware Update
1.2.1 Firmware Update
You can update the unit’s firmware to improve the unit’s operation. You can configure the unit so that it
automatically downloads the new firmware file from a specified location. The firmware update will be executed
when the unit is restarted.
Administrator Guide
Document Version 2015-07
1.2.1 Firmware Update