Output is not possible from GT to the devices marked as "No" in "Output" in the above table.
The setting items related to output cannot be set on GTWIN.
Local devices
The devices marked as "Yes" in "Local" in the above table can be used as local devices. For using them
as local devices, specify the program block numbers. Program block numbers can be specified in the
range of 1 to 468, and they are expressed as "PB?_" before symbols.
Slot specification
As for the devices marked as "Yes" in "Slot" in the above table, the slot numbers should be specified.
Slot numbers can be specified in the range of 1 to 16, and they are expressed as "S?:" before symbols.
Bit specification of link register, data register and unit memory
For using a link register, data register or unit memory as bit devices, the bit numbers should be specified.
Bit numbers are specified next to "." (period) after device numbers.