Switch off all power supply before
installation and maintenance.
Ngƒt nguÊn trıÎc khi lƒp {»t ho»c
b¿o tr¤.
This product is not provided with
cord and plug or with other means
for disconnection from the supply.
S¿n phÃm kh‰ng bao gÊm d…y vø
ph⁄ch cƒm ho»c nh˘ng thi’t bfi khæc
dÒng {◊ ngƒt nguÊn.
Ensure the pipe with the motor shaft
secure. (Bolt tightening torque
CÀn {¿m b¿o c…y ti si’t ch»t vÎi trÙc
{Èng cÍ. (M‰men xi’t bu l‰ng
There should be a double poles
single throw switch (breaker switch)
with minimum 3mm contact gap in the
fixed installation circuit.
N‘n cfl cÀu dao 2 c˙c (breaker
switch) vÎi khe hÌ ti’p xc tÂi thi◊u lø
3mm trong m¬ch {¡ {ıÔc lƒp cÂ
• Can cause the set to move suddenly,
injuries and electrical shock.
V¤ qu¬t cfl th◊ chuy◊n {Èng b`t ngÏ,
løm bfi thıÍng vø giŒt {iŸn.
• Kindly refer to your sales agent for
Li‘n l¬c {¬i l˚ bæn høng {◊ s¯a ch˘a.
Can cause injury if drops.
N’u qu¬t rÍi s“ g…y thıÍng t⁄ch.
Do not install at places where there is
high vibration and impact.
Kh‰ng lƒp Ì nh˘ng nÍi cfl {È rung vø
{È va ch¬m cao.
Can cause injury if drops.
N’u qu¬t rÍi s“ g…y thıÍng t⁄ch.
Do not install at a wet and high
humidity area such as shower room.
Kh‰ng lƒp {»t Ì nÍi Ãm ıÎt nhı
ph‡ng tƒm.
If an electrical leakage occurs, it can
easily cause electrical shock and fire.
N’u cfl hiŸn tıÔng hÌ {iŸn dÿ g…y
giŒt {iŸn vø chæy.
Avoid installing at oily places.
Trænh lƒp {»t Ì nh˘ng nÍi d⁄nh dÀu
Can cause fire, explosion, short
circuit and electrical shock.
Dÿ g…y chæy, nÁ, chŒp m¬ch vø giŒt
Do not use power supply other than
220 - 240V / 50Hz.
220 - 240V / 50Hz
Kh‰ng dÒng nguÊn vıÔt quæ
220 -
240V / 50Hz
Overheating can cause electrical
shock and fire.
Qa nflng cfl th◊ g…y giŒt {iŸn vø
Do not install near flammable area
such as gas stove.
Kh‰ng lƒp {»t gÀn khu v˙c dÿ chæy
nhı b’p ga.
Can easily cause fire, explosion,
short circuit and electrical shock.
Dÿ g…y chæy, nÁ, chŒp m¬ch vø giŒt
The safety wire must fixedly be
connected at all time.
D…y an toøn ph¿i lu‰n {ıÔc {`u nÂi.
Can cause injury if drops.
N’u qu¬t rÍi s“ g…y thıÍng t⁄ch.