SQT1189 (ENG)
[4K Live Cropping]
Recording mode:
You can pan while recording subjects without horizontal shaking of the camera,
and you can zoom in and out during motion picture recording without using
zoom. During recording, you can crop your video down from the 4K angle of view
(3840×2160) to Full High Definition (1920×1080) by capturing the subject at a wide
angle of view and setting a crop start frame and crop end frame.
• Hold the camera firmly in place while recording.
• A motion picture will be recorded at [FHD/20M/25p] under [MP4].
Example of panning while recording.
Setting crop frames at 4K
angle of view
Screen moves from left to right
without moving the camera
Set mode dial to [
Set the menu
[Motion Picture] → [4K Live Cropping]
Use to set panning or zooming time and press
Settings: [40SEC] / [20SEC] / [OFF]
• The angle of view narrows.