*Attach "L" size of absorption pad.
[Exhaust Air]
5. Operate the measurement switch of the air-leak tester to exhaust air inside the product for 90 seconds.
6. After a laps of 15 seconds, take a note (Record) that the pressure value indicated on the indication panel.
7. Confirm that the pressure value fluctuations during measurement process are within the testing specification.
The air-leak test is now completed.
3. Packing replacement record input:
To enter the repair record, it is necessary to use the "DIAS" software. The maintenance software "DIAS" is available at "TSN Website".
To download, click on "Support Information from NWBG/VDBG-AVC".
*DIAS (DSC Integrated Assist Software)
Stabilization Between -30 kPa and -33
*1 It must be stabilized between -30kPa and -33kPa,with a deviation of +/- 0.2kPa, within 30
±0.2 kPa
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