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4. Insert Part B into the T-Connector (Part A) by 
pressing down on the push pin. *Note: Insert the side 
of Part B that has the push pin which is closest to the 
end of the tube.

5. Insert the other side of Part B into the end of the 
assembled crossbar tube. This end should have 3 
holes. The push pin should insert into the last 
(third) hole.

6. Repeat step 5 for the other T-Connector and 
opposite side of the crossbar.

8. Repeat step 7 for the other post and connector.

9. Raise the posts to a high enough setting to allow 
for the full length of the target mat hang freely.

10. Next, insert the posts into the two Powrbases.

7. Insert the assembled T-Connector and crossbar 
into the top of the tall or short post. Make sure the 
push pin on the T-Connector is popped securely 
into the second hole on the post.




Upright Post
