EmStat3-MUX8 for OEM
EmStat3-MUX8 for OEM
Jumper settings for the available configurations:
Conf. 1: Sensor array with up to eight working, eight reference and eight counter electrodes:
Jumpers to be placed are: J4 and J5
The potential is only applied to the selected channel. All channels NOT selected are at open
circuit. (See remark below * )
Conf. 2a: Is suitable for working with a sensor array which has up to eight individual electrochemical
cells consisting of up to eight working and eight combined reference/counter electrodes:
Jumpers to be placed are: J1, J4 and J5
Note: all leads CE1-8 and RE1-8 are connected together and this combined lead is
connected to all eight combined reference/ counter electrodes.
The potential is only applied to the selected channel. All channels NOT selected are at open
circuit. (See remark below * ).
When J6 is also placed, the potential is applied to all working electrodes continuously.
Conf. 2b: Sensor array with up to eight working and eight combined reference/counter electrodes:
Jumpers placed are: J1, J2 and J3
Note: the combined reference/counter electrodes are connected to the leads CE Direct
and/or RE Direct
When J6 is also placed, the potential is applied to all working electrodes continuously.
Conf. 3: Sensor array with up to eight working electrodes all sharing one reference and one counter
Jumpers placed are: J2 and J3
Note: the reference and counter electrodes are connected to RE Direct and CE Direct
When J6 is also placed, the potential is applied to all working electrodes continuously.
Conf. 4: Sensor array with up to eight working electrodes all sharing one combined
reference/counter electrode:
Jumpers placed are: J1, J2 and J3
Note: the reference/counter electrode is connected to RE Direct and/or CE Direct.
When J6 is also placed, the potential is applied to all working electrodes continuously.
It is not possible to apply a potential simultaneously to more than one sensor or cell each with three
electrodes. This requires a multipotentiostat, one potentiostat for each channel. This is however
possible with two electrode sensors or cells, so when combined counter and reference electrodes
are applied.