General Work Products LLC | 6000 Jefferson Hwy | Harahan, LA 70123
•Fall Protection •Training •Netting •PPE
1.) Make sure all workers have read and understand the warnings associated with this equipment.
2.) Make sure all workers are using other fall protection methods while installing this roof anchor.
3.) Not for worker positioning or equipment handling or suspension.
4.) Check to be sure the intended installation location is free from all damage and will support the loads applied
by the anchor, as determined by a Competent Person.
5.) Before installing the 2-Way Standing Seam Anchor, a Qualified Person must ensure the anchor is compatible
with the standing seam roof in question. Use only on compatible standing seam metal roof.
6.) Must be installed on metal roof of at least 24 gauge thickness.
Installation and Use
1. Install on a fully seamed panel and must be installed over a clip that is
bolted or screwed down.
2. At a minimum, 2-Way Standing Seam Anchor must be installed 4 feet
away from all fall hazards.
3. Hook a 2-Way Standing Seam Anchor flange under selected roof
seam. This must be done before the anchor bolts are tightened.
4. Tighten the outside 2 bolts until snug, then tighten the inside 2 bolts
until snug.
5. Torque outside 2 bolts to 50 ft/lbs., then torque inside 2 bolts to 50 ft/
lbs., Make sure 2-Way Standing Seam Roof Anchor is fully secured to
the roof seam with no possibility of detachment.
6. Attach complete and compatible PFAS to the 2-Way Standing Seam
Roof Anchor O-Ring
The 2-Way Standing Seam Anchor can be installed in 2 different
configurations. To fit a thinner seam, remove all bolts and rotate
anchor plate around O-Ring to opposite side, then re-insert the
bolts and install as normal.
Outside Bolts
Inside Bolts