General Work Products LLC | 6000 Jefferson Hwy | Harahan, LA 70123
•Fall Protection •Training •Netting •PPE
Worker Definitions
It is important to know the definition of those who work near or who may be exposed to fall hazards.
Qualified Person:
A person with accreditation for this position who has sufficient experience or standing in their industry.
They are responsible for reviewing the effectiveness of fall prevention and rescue procedures.
Competent Person:
A fall safety coordinator is a person who has been trained to manage all aspects of a company’s fall
safety program. This includes the actual regulation, the management thereof and its application. A person tasked with
identifying existing or foreseeable hazards. They have the power to temporarily stop work to address any concerns they
might have.
Authorized Person:
An employee who’s area of responsibility includes areas where potential or existing fall hazards
exist. These employees need to be trained to understand what it takes to work safely around these hazards.
Qualified or Competent person on jobsite is responsible for training and inspection of 2-Way Standing Seam
Anchor. Please contact your local Palmer Safety Specialist if you have questions or need training. We can provide
training on the jobsite.
Using the equipment in ways other than its intended purpose may result in severe injury or death. Maximum
1 attachment per connection point.
Fall Arrest:
The 2-Way Standing Seam Anchor, which can be used in Personal Fall Arrest (PFAS) applications, is for use
by only 1 person and must be used with the appropriate supporting structure. The supporting structure must also withstand
loads applied in the advised directions of at least 5000 lbs. Maximum freefall height is 6 feet, or up to 12 feet when in
combination with a harness that has been tested for such use. The D-ring needs to be in the dorsal position.
The 2-Way Standing Seam Anchor can be utilized in Restraint systems. Restraints are used to ensure workers
do not get too close to the edge of any fall hazards. Only 1 person can use the 2-Way Standing Seam Anchor at a time
when working in restraint. Make sure to account for the full length of the lanyard or SRL that you plan on using. The
structure must be guaranteed to withstand loads that are at least 1,000 lbs. in every direction. No item shall be allowed to
fall without restraint. Restraint systems can only be used on surfaces where slopes are up 4/12.
D-rings that can used: Dorsal, Chest, Side, Shoulder.
TOTAL user weight capacity range (including person, clothing, tools, and equipment) is 130-310 lbs.