1. C4 water pump and multifunctional box can be built inside of heat pump according to order requirement.
2. C4 water pump can be used for both DHW and air conditioning water circulation.
3. installer should check the actual water resistance and make sure to keep enough minimum water flow volume,
if necessary, more water pumps should be added for DHW (C5 water pump) and air conditioning(C6 water pump)
water circulation. The water pump connection can be found in wiring diagram.
4. Safety valve(air discharge valve) should be installed at the top of the circulation system for easy air discharge.
Air conditoning circulation can utilize the fan coil or radiator air discharge valve.
Method 4
Method 3
16/17 Air discharge valve(Safety Valve)
1. Heat Pump
2. Wired Controller
3. DHW water pump
4. DHW temp sensor
5. DHW water tank
6. Safety valve
7. Filter
8. Water pump ->C4
9. Drain valve
10. Ball valve
14. Expansion tank
12. Water pump ->C5
13. Water pump ->C6
15. Multifunctional 3 way valve (can be installed inner or outside of heat pump unit)