350-319-153-01, Revision 01
HLU-319 List 5C
April 30, 1999
describes the status LED.
Table 1.
Front Panel Features
Front Panel Feature
List number
Identifies a specific version of the HLU-319.
Status LED
See Table 2 for status descriptions.
DSX-1 access jacks
Line Provides splitting jack access to and from the HDSL line at the
DSX-1 interface. Breaks the Transmit (XMT) and Receive
(RCV) paths to permit test signal insertion and retrieval.
BRG Provides non-intrusive bridging jack access to (XMT) and from
(RCV) the HDSL span at the DSX-1 interface. Allows the two T1
payloads to be monitored.
CLEI and bar code labels
(on the inside of the
Provides the human-readable Common Language Equipment
Identifier (CLEI) code number and the Equipment Catalog Item
(ECI) bar code number.
Configuration number
(on the outside of the
Contains either a five or six-digit warranty configuration
number or a stand-alone two or three-digit configuration
number as follows:
Digit 1 - Last digit of shipment year
Digits 2 and 3 - Shipment month
Digits 4, 5, and 6 - Configuration number
The configuration number can also be found on a small bar
label that also contains the Julian date code and part number.
This gummed label may be attached to the PC board or to the
front panel.
Table 2.
Status LED
LED Status
Normal operation
Flashing green
HDSL acquisition
Fuse Alarm
Flashing red
System alarm
Self Test is in process or an HLU Customer Remote Loopback (CREM)
or a Network Local Loopback (NLOC) is in effect.
Flashing yellow
HLU is in an Armed state