150-412-107-03, Revision 03
November 19, 1999
HRU-412 List 7
The HRU-412 List 7 can be line powered or locally powered with a metallic
sealing current option. The input resistive signature is 180 k
at each HDSL
A HiGain system, consisting of a HiGain line unit and a HiGain remote unit,
provides a quick and cost-effective way of delivering T1 High Capacity
Digital Service (HCDS) to customers over copper pairs. The HiGain system
can be deployed on two unconditioned, non-loaded copper pairs without
repeaters, and without the need for bridged tap removal or binder group
A HiGain system operates with a variety of other T1, POTS, Digital Data
Service (DDS) equipment or other HiGain systems sharing the same cable
binder group. HiGain systems provide temporary or permanent DS1 service
and can provide a means of deploying service in advance of fiber optic
transmission systems.