C. Green Wire Labeled
– “Throttle Position Sensor Signal”
Connection of this wire will depend on what type of throttle position sensor you
are using: one that is part of an EFI system or one fitted to a carburetor
Electronic Fuel Injection Systems
Connect this wire to the Throttle Position Sensor signal on a “Throttle-By-
Cable” engine or an Accelerator Pedal Position Sensor signal on a “Throttle-
Wire” engine.
On most GM “Throttle-By-Cable” applications this is the Dark Blue wire at the
Throttle Position Sensor connector.
Splices and a Posi-tap have been provided to make this connection.
Carbureted / Mech. Injected Diesel
See below for connection of the TPS signal wire
D. Orange Wire printed
– “+5 Volt TPS Feed”
This is the +5 volt power source for carbureted and mechanical injected diesel
applications where an external Throttle Position Sensor must be installed. This
orange wire will not be needed on vehicles with an EFI system installed.
Connect the Orange “+5 VOLT…”, Green “…SIGNAL”, and Black “TPS
GROUND” wires to your throttle position sensor.