Page 18
Prepared for – all rights reserved. 2017a
Check Points
It Doesn’t Operate
Check if the battery
capacity is less than 2.2 V.
Check if the polarity (+/-)
of the battery is accurate.
Change the battery
Re-insert the battery
Output Level Not
Check if the lead wire is
Check if the adhesive gel
pads are disconnected.
Change the lead
Change the
adhesive gel pads
There is no change
in output
Raise the power/strength
level dial from weak to
If it is functioning
normally now, then
it is OK.
Conversion switch
isn’t operating
Raise the power/strength
level dial from weak to
If it is functioning
normally now, then
it is OK.
Power OFF during
Check if the battery
capacity is insufficient.
Put in new batteries
If your Rhythm Touch unit stops working even though the unit comes on, or if there
seems to be a 'contact' problem with the pads plugged in but the unit will not function:
Please try these things before anything else:
1. Wet your pads with a small amount of water...over time and use the pads will
completely stop the flow of electricity.
2. Change the batteries. We recommend purchasing batteries from a high volume store
like Wal-Mart. Older or expired batteries may only have enough juice to power the light
but nothing else.
3. Switch the cords around. Try different cords with different pads until all combinations
have been exhausted. The problem could be the lead wires or the pads. Also try the
different combinations of holes on top where the lead wires plug into the unit. The lead
wires are a very specific gauge (very small) there are times when the lead wires break
from folding or bending during storage.
4. There are springs holding the battery in. Pull them out a little (gently) with a pen knife
to make better contact with the battery. These springs will compress over time and will
not make good contact with the battery.