Any type of sprayer will not function satisfactorily if the unit is not cleaned out
thoroughly after use.
Clean the Pail Mate sprayer ASAP after each use by completely flushing the unit, including all
hoses and wand with product pail manufacturers recommended cleaner until all traces of
sprayed material has been removed.
In addition to spray product manufacturers cleanup procedures we recommend the following
Pail Mate System clean up procedure as the best all-around answer
Mix 3 oz’s of Pine-Sol to 3 gallons of water and mix thoroughly. Perform a clean out run.
During the run, clean out make sure to squeeze the handle on and off periodically. Then rinse
the system with 5 gallons of fresh water. Pour 1 ounce of Pine-Sol into 1 gallon of water and
run through pump and leave in pump until next application
Failure to adequately clean the unit after each use will result in the failure of the
sprayer to operate satisfactorily and may result in loss of warranty coverage.
Do not leave material in the unit between uses. Make sure to clean unit as
soon as possible after each use. Pump operational issues and premature
wear can be caused by product build up in:
the spray nozzle orifice
the spray discharge hose
the Spray handle valve assembly
the pickup hose
the pump diaphragm and valve assembly
NOTE TO CONTRACTORS You cannot clean this pump out too often.
Always run water thru pump in the morning before going on job to ensure the pump is
ready. When storing for long periods; run 1 gallon of water through the system every 30
days unless you’re in freezing climates.
Make sure to test pump before going out to the
job site.
Clean-out solution may harm vegetation or stain surfaces. Dispose of properly.