Clear the Memory:
In short, to clear your MKIV XP memory, you’ll turn on the unit and cycle through the options the
button provides until you get to “ Delete ALL Strings? (N) ”. At that point you’ll press
to clear it and then finish cycling through the options. You’ll need to do this for the
Timer and Chronograph mode to clear the full memory.
Chronograph Troubleshooting
Accuracy and Tolerance Recommendation:
Having worked with dozens of chronographs, we strongly recommend to give yourself some
leeway on the velocity of your match ammo. In other words, if you need 850 FPS to make Major,
don't load 851 and think you are safe. The problem is not inaccuracies of the chronograph, but
rather the variation in the performance of ammo due to weather conditions. We recommend
that you give yourself at least a 25 fps cushion, 50 fps would be better.
The skyscreens just eat batteries, such are the laws of physics. Whenever the screens are
plugged in the Chronograph detection circuit is on. When you are done chronographing, unplug
the screens.
Many light sensitive chronographs have a reputation for being flaky under certain light
conditions. We have gone to great lengths to minimize this problem on the new XP series, but
you will still occasionally run into a combination of conditions that may make it hard for your
chrono to read. It will help if you develop an understanding of how your chronograph works.
Your MKIV XP is looking for a decrease in light level when the bullet passes over the screen.
Assuming that enough light was entering the screen to begin with, your MKIV XP will always get