User manual
PACOSTAR™ Electronics User manual IR programmable remote control version. 1.1.8
UEI series
Philips series
Logitech Harmony series
10.Some useful skills
1) Reset to factory settings
Fill in “test” in the brackets, then program to remote control.
2) Test if the programmed into the remote code is correct.
In order to test if the remote is fine, please follow below instruction.
(a) Reset to factory settings
(b) Restart software and make sure the key table is blank.
(c) Use “Code Learn”(Item 5) to learn each key code to key table.
(d) Save to IR file. Refer to Item 5-5) output to PC hard disk. Name the file to be
(e) Identify (Read) the remote code, or save “Test” code into PC file, also name it to
be “Test.txt” also.
(f) Open “text.txt” and “Text-new.txt”, compare its content, check if the key codes
inside are the same.
(Note: Above is only an example. User can use other codes to test and compare.
This method is either to test remote control, or to test the content inside the remote)
11. Others
1) Updating
Picture 64