User manual
PACOSTAR™ Electronics User manual IR programmable remote control version. 1.1.8
Code Learning (reading of new original remotes)
1) To enter in Learning mode press the Learning button, as shown below.
IR programmer should be connected to PC.
Picture 20
2) Point the original remote control in front of the programmer for a distance of 1 to 5
Picture 21
3) Then place the cursor in the writing field of the button, you would like to learn and
press the button of your original remote ( you click over the 1 ”POWER” and the field
becomes black then you click the POWER button on your remote control).
The computer receives a signal with a code saved in advance and will reproduce the
status of the outcome of learning.
If the learning of the original remote control button is successful, in the active button
field a green check mark appears and is written “Successful”.