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System Calibration
All systems are tested for temperature accuracy at the factory and can be checked for calibration
according to requirements. No internal adjustments can be made to the power supply. In general,
SensaTemp based technology handpieces (PS-90, SX-90, TT-65, TJ-85) do not need to be calibrated
as they feature a laser trimmed, platinum RTD sensor.
1. Install a tip with an embedded thermocouple into the handpiece connected to the system.
Tips with K type thermocouples welded to them are available from PACE.
2. Connect the thermocouple assembly to a compatible k-type thermo couple meter,
PACE’s Tip Temperature Monitor (P/N 8001-0087-P1) or PACE’s PM 200 (P/N 8007-
3. Turn on system and allow the tip to stabilize at the set temperature.
4. Record measured temperature on monitor.
To Adjust Dial Control Systems (ST 30, ST 65, and ST 75)
1. When using a SensaTemp based handpiece, if the
temperature displayed varies from the dial setting, the dial
can be adjusted to precisely match.
a. carefully lock the Variable Temperature Control in
position by tightening the inner set screw (closest to
front panel).
b. Loosen the outer setscrew on the Variable Temperature Control knob
(furthest from front panel) using the Temp. Locking Key (hex key)
supplied with the system.
c. Position the knob with the pointer aligned to match
the temperature indicated on the temperature meter.
d. Secure the knob in position by tightening the outer
e. Loosen the inner setscrew to unlock the Variable
Temperature control if adjustment of operating tip
temperature is desired.
2. Tip heater Cartridge Adjustment. This feature will only work with TD-100, MT-100, and
TP-100 handpieces. The PACE ST 30, ST 65, and ST 75 feature a temperature
adjustment. This adjustment is located within the small hole on the
front panel and may be accessed using a small flat blade
screwdriver. Adjust adjustment screw until measured tip temp
matches dial selected temperature. With most tip geometries this
feature will not need adjustment. Extended or fine tips may require
adjustment. This adjustment will allow for temperature
adjustments of ± 30 ºC (50 ºF).
To Adjust Digital Temperature Control Systems (ST 50 & ST 115).
1. Turn off power source and turn it back on while holding down the program (round) key
and the up key.
2. The system will prompt you to enter the measured temperature using the keypad.
3. Press the program key and the system will restart.
4. To clear the calibration, remove the handpiece while the power source is ON.
To Adjust Power Module Control System (ST 70)