Chapter 3
Connection issues
Use the information in this section to identify and resolve common issues related to
The Power light is not on
The power cable may be loose or disconnected. Check the power cable to ensure
that the cable is securely connected. If the power cable is plugged in to a power
strip or switched outlet, ensure that it is on. Ensure that you are using the power
supply that came with the gateway.
The power supply may be faulty. Verify that the light on the power supply is green.
The AC outlet may be faulty. Try plugging the gateway in to a known good outlet.
The Power light blinks immediately after the device starts, and then turns steady
The Power light blinks during POST (Power on self-test). This is normal behavior.
The Power light is red
The POST (Power on self-test) may have failed. Press and hold the Reset button
on the gateway for 10 seconds.
The Broadband light is blinking
The Ethernet or DSL cable may be loose or disconnected. Check the connections
to ensure that the cable is securely connected.
The DSL connection may not be established. Press and hold the Reset button on
the gateway for 10 seconds. If resetting the gateway does not fix the problem,
contact your service provider.
The Broadband light blinks green for a long time, then turns red
The gateway may have failed to synchronize with the service provider network.
Check the connections to ensure that the cable is securely connected.
Your Internet service may not be activated. Contact your service provider.
The Service light is blinking
Your Internet service may not be activated. Contact your service provider.
The Service light is red
The user name and password may have been entered incorrectly. Verify the user
name and password on the gateway configuration page, and try again.
Your Internet service may not be activated. Contact your service provider.
The Ethernet light is not on
The Ethernet cable may be loose or disconnected. Check the connections to
ensure that the cable is securely connected.