After installation test
1. Make sure, visually and by measurement, the
connections are made correctly.
The connections are torque tight and marked.
2. Make sure, it is safe to do the resistance test
with the use of valid, calibrated equipment.
3. Validate the operation of the resistance tester.
4. Measure the contact resistance between cable
lug and connected component (matching
colors indicates measuring points).
5. The measurement should read less than
6. Make a note of the results and keep them with
the Charge column.
7. If the resistance measurement fails the
specifications, contact the Heliox service
department for advice on how to proceed.
8. If the test fails, do any necessary work.
9. Close the cabinet.
10. Mount the front panel of the base.
11. Switch off main switch in cabinet until the
charging column is commissioned.
Installer is responsible for closing
possible holes in the foam seal
between base and cabinet.