10. Notes.
Disp. Parameter
Π100 Fan max work power or max power when Πr 0-10.
n 40 Minimum fan power.
Πh10 Fan speed decrease coefficient.
Πr 1 Automatic fan speed control and time of fan start.
Πn 5 Fan work time.
Πu 6 Fan pause time.
Πd 3 Fan work time in manual mode
P 65 Central heating pump launch temperature.
Ph 5 Central heating pump hysteresis.
Pr 1
Central heating pump work mode:
0- automatic,
1- the pump work depends on room temperature or room
thermostat contacts,
2- the pump work depends on controller work mode.
Central heating pump pause time.
Pd 2 Central heating pump turn off delay.
L 65 Minimum boiler temperature.
H 90 Maximum boiler temperature.
h 5
Boiler temperature hysteresis.
A105 Boiler overheating temperature.
Fc 1
Additional thermostat work mode:
0 - room thermostat,
1 - exhaust gas thermostat.
F300 Maximum exhaust gas temperature.
Fh20 Maximum exhaust gas temperature hysteresis.
Fd60 Fuel shortage testing time during boiler start.
Fb30 Fuel shortage testing time in work mode.
Ar 0
Work mode of extra output:
0- output turning on extra boiler,
1- alarm output,
2- output controlling emergency cooling system,
3- output controlling extra devices turning on during work of
blow-in fan.