Congratulations for having chosen a fine engine product Vittorazi.
Before passing to the installation of the motor, read this manual carefully.
With this manual we will try to give our knowledge to your service, teaching
how to use motor, providing you the necessary information for installation and
maintenance, besides we will indicate you the situations of danger, with our
due suggestions to be able to avoid them. When you will receive the motor,
it will already have overcome a test of 15 minutes in the factory, verifying the
operation of all the components and the operation to every speed. All the
engines Vittorazi are tested before the delivery.
If just one parts of the manual won’t be completely understood or in the case
which the manual won’t be clear or exhaustive, for uncertainties, questions, to
analyze or to resolve a problem with our help, we invites you to directly contact
the authorized dealer or directly the Vittorazi. You include in the claim the serial
number XXXX of the motor that you find under the system carburetor, some
photos if you think will be necessary.
You find the direct contacts of the factory in the first and in the last page
of this manual. The Vittorazi reserves the right to change in any moment
without warning, sketches, specifications, component, details of the motor, in
relationship to the model in production without incurring in some obligation.
The reliability, the performances and the duration of your motor will also
depend from your knowledge and the way of using it.
6 Maintenance
6.1 Ignition coil and spark-plug
6.2 Check and cleaning carburetor
6.3 Reed valve
6.4 Gaskets
6.5 Exhaust silencer
6.6 Rubber mountings
6.7 Pull starter Fly100evo
7 Charts of maintenance
8 Tightening torque and special tools
9 Frequent asked questions - FAQ
Summary of Contents for RM80
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