Thank you for purchasing this Ozone kite. Our mission
is to build kites with cutting edge performance, that are
easy, fun and safe to use, no matter what your level.
At Ozone we are passionate about kiting, and it is this passion
that drives our design team to perfect and develop new kites
that we love to ride with.
We are proud of the quality of our products, and constantly
searching for the best components and materials to use in
our designs. All of our kites and accessories are manufactured
in our own high-quality production facility in Vietnam, which
guarantees a build quality that we are proud to put the Ozone
name on. A close look at one of our kites reveals that same
superior quality and construction that ensures that every
Ozone kite will enjoy a long life, with consistent handling,
performance and aesthetics.
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Summary of Contents for Pure V1
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