Removing paint/dissolving adhesives
Soften the paint using hot air and remove evenly with the scraper.
Do not heat the paint for too long since this will burn the paint, making it more
difficult to remove. Many adhesives (e.g. stickers) become softer when heated,
allowing adhesive bonds to be separated and superfluous adhesive to be removed.
Removing paint from windows
Glass can break easily. Always use the glass protection nozzle. On profiled surfaces,
paint can be removed using a scraper and brushed off using a soft wire brush.
Shaping plastic tubing
Fit the reflector nozzle. To avoid kinking the tubing, fill the tubing with sand and
seal at both ends. Heat the tubing evenly by moving it from side to side.
Staining wood
Fit the Cone Nozzle. Hot air staining gives natural wood a rustic effect.
Do not hold the nozzle too close to the wood as this will colour the wood unevenly.
Carefully sand off any singed wood fibres afterwards using fine emery paper.
Shrink fitting
Fit the cone nozzle. Select a heat-shrinkable sleeve with a diameter matching that
of the workpiece, e.g.cable lug. Heat the heat-shrinkable sleeve evenly.
Defrosting water pipes
Do not attempt to defrost-PVC piping.
Fit the reflector nozzle. Always heat the frozen area inwards from the edge to the
Water pipes are often difficult to distinguish from gas pipes. Copper pipes are
joined using tin and should therefore not be heated above 200ºC.
WARNING! This tool is designed for indoor use only. Using this tool for
prolonged periods may cause it to overheat and malfunction. Use inside
a confined area, such as a cabinet etc. will increase the temperature of
the tool – to ensure the tool does not overheat it is suggested frequent
breaks are taken to allow the tool to cool down.
Take extra care with the heatgun element. Once the element is hot it can become
fragile and break if dropped or knocked.