RT User Manual
Revision: 190902
Analogue tab
The Analogue option is used for configuring the RT-ANA companion product. There are
16 channels in the RT-ANA, numbered from 0 to 15. The Measurement, Range, and Min
and Max values for all 16 channels can be configured. Click on a specific cell to change
the settings.
The CAN bus must be configured correctly for the analogue outputs to work
PPS / Triggers tab
The output trigger on the digital I/O generates a pulse based on distance. Select the distance
interval to generate the pulses on from the dropdown list, or type in a value. The output has
0.8 V or less for a low and 2.4 V or more for a high. The pulse width is 1 ms.
NAVconfig Environment section
This section contains settings related to the environment you will be collecting data in,
including the device initialisation conditions. This section is not broken down into tabs but
contains several selectable options and pre-defined values on one screen.
Static initialisation is disabled by default.
If static initialisation has not been enabled, the RT will need to be initialised by driving
forwards in a straight line to initialise the heading to the track angle. The initialisation
speed is the speed at which the vehicle must travel to activate the initialisation.
The default initialisation speed is 5 m/s. However, some slow vehicles cannot achieve this
speed. For these vehicles adjust the initialisation speed to a different value.
If a speed less than 5 m/s is selected, then care should be taken to make sure that the RT is
travelling straight when it initialises.
Vehicle starts
Select a predefined value from the dropdown list.
If you know the vehicle will be level when starting (to within about 5°) select ‘Level’. This
saves about 40 s during the initialisation process since the RT does not have to take the time to
compute an initial roll and an initial pitch. In high vibration environments
Not Level
may not
work and so the RT can only start if the vehicle is level and the
option has been specified.