• Mode: Work mode
FollowSch: Follow the settings of schedule to adjust the temperature
PerHold: Hold current target temperature regardless of the schedule.This will
over ride the current schedule settings
Away: Settings for when you are not at home
TempHold: Keep the current target temperature unchanged until the next
scheduled activity begins ( This selection only exists when you are adjusting the
target temperature under
• System: Temperature control Mode
Off: Turn the system off
Cool: Cooling only
Heat: Heating only
Auto: Automatic control of heating and cooling based on ambient temperature
Emergency Heat: This only works when the device connects Heat pump and W
• Fan:Fan
Auto:Automatically adjust Fan while heating or cooling
Cycle:Runs at intervals to circulate air
On:Runs continuously
• Away: Settings for when you are not at home
• Schedule: Set Schedule to change the temperature automatically
Schedule settings:
Tap the Schedule needed to be modified, or tap the top right “
”button to set.