OWI User Manual: Model AMP1SGRN Speaker Amplifier with Priority Audio Override
OWI Model AMP1SGRN Manual Page 8 of 28
Bass and Treble Controls (Equalization)
The bass and treble controls are located at A16. The bass control is closest to the auxiliary
gain pot. The controls are centered for flat frequency response and turned right for a 10dB
boost and turned left for a 10dB cut. The factory settings of the bass and treble controls are in
the center position (for flat response).The 10dB bass boost and cut occurs at 50 Hz. The 10dB
treble boost and cut occurs at 10 kHz.
Balanced Line Level Output
A nominal 0dB level, balanced output is available at terminal board A7. The source of this
output is either pre-master fader or post-master fader, selectable by jumper JMP3 which is
located under the component board, directly under the equalization pots. The master fader
(Master Volume) is potentiometer A2, accessible under the grill. The equalization feature is not
available on the balanced line level output during pre-master fader operation.
Power Amplifier Features
The power amplifier outputs 2 times 16 watts or 32 watts total into 8 ohms and 15VDC power.
Higher power is available but not Energy Star. The class D power amplifier has reduced
radiated electromagnetic interference (EMI) due to a special feature of the power amplifier,
operating in a patented spread spectrum. The power amplifier protects itself from over-
temperature, over-current, over-voltage conditions. The power amplifier will shut itself down
during these conditions.
Infrared Wireless Microphone / “Auxiliary Input”
A 3.5mm connector is available to connect an infrared receiver. This receiver picks up an
infrared signal from a special wireless microphone. The wireless microphone is interrupted by
priority audio. There is a level adjustment pot on the circuit board to balance the microphone
audio level against other audio input levels. Any line level may be input here.
RS232 Operation (19,200 baud, 8N1) Via the RJ45 (A5) Connection
The RS232 allows remote Self Test, reading of audio current, setting timers, verifying
Priority/Normal state and verifying active vs. sleep state. The RJ45 also allows connection to
the power input and connection to the normal audio input. An adapter is needed to connect to
a male RS232 DB9 connector. An additional adapter is needed to go from the DB9 connector
to a USB connector. The computer needs to have the driver for the adapter loaded into the
computer. Optional digital volume control is selected via RS232.
IMPORTANT NOTE! This amplifier is intended for audio use only! Continuous sine
wave drive into a load will cause the amplifier to shut itself down when it heats up.