OWI User Manual: Model AMP1SGRN Speaker Amplifier with Priority Audio Override
OWI Model AMP1SGRN Manual Page 25 of 28
10) Controls
A2 .................................................... Main Speaker (Grill) Volume Control
A8 .................................................... Priority Input Level Select & Input
A10 .................................................. Non-Priority Input Mic/Line Level Select
A11 .................................................. Non-Priority Input Select
A16 .................................................. Bass Adjust, ± 10dB
Beside A16 ...................................... Treble Adjust, ± 10dB
Auxiliary Audio Input Level Set ........ Located next to A16
(Wireless Microphone)
Manual Self Test .............................. Located on the “Self Test” option board
11) Self-Test Details. Self-Test can be manual or computer triggered. This test looks for
disconnected speakers or speakers whose voice coil is open. The test supplies a low
frequency sine wave to the power amplifier. The current drawn by the unit due to the
signal going through the speakers is monitored. If at least one 8 ohm speaker is
connected, the circuit will test and the green LED indicator will flash four times. Otherwise,
the Red LED will flash four times. Also, the unit will output an RS232 signal: “Self Test is
OK” if good and “The self test failed”, if bad. The test signal is approximately 20 to 25
Hertz, and at a very low level. A push button, located on the “Self Test” option board,
allows a manual initiation of self-test with the same indications. The baud rate of the
RS232 signal is 19,200. The protocol is 8 N 1 (8 data bits, no parity and 1 stop bit).
12) Priority return to Line input delays is settable by computer from 5 seconds to 60 seconds.
13) Sleep Mode: During this mode, the unit draws less than 1 watt from the power supply, and
thus qualifies for the “Energy Star” rating.
14) Priority Override: Additional notes: During priority override, A9, A12 inputs are switched off.
When the audio priority ceases, a timer begins to count second by second. When the timer
reaches the preset time, the unit returns to the non-priority input. But, if during the timer
operation, the priority audio reappears, the unit’s input is immediately switched back to the
priority and the timer is reset.
Notes: There are two master volume controls: one on the main circuit board and one on the
small, attached circuit board with the LED on it, this is the primary control.
If the Priority Level pot is at minimum, the Priority Interrupt becomes Priority Mute, where all
audio is suspended so that another system can send Priority Audio.