HEADLESS MODE (beginner’s mode)
Place the drone on a flat and even surface. Move the left stick down and press it. The controller
emits a single beep sound. Then move the left stick in any direction, as shown in the picture. The
controller beeps indicating that the drone is in the HEADLESS mode.
If you want to switch your drone back to the normal control mode, press the left stick.
In this mode, to make the operation of the drone easier, the forward flight direction is set regardless of
the drone position.
If you want to set the front side of the drone anew, you must turn the device off and configure it again.
During a take-off the drone saves the starting (home) position. Then, once you press the "Back
home" button, the drone starts to fly back towards the starting point regardless of its current position
and location. In order to abort the "Back home" mode, just move the direction stick.
Note: The drone has NO autoland function. In order to land it, you need to control the device manually.