(iii) Enable SNMPv1/SNMPv2 Trap can detect the Trap server.
Please set what event need to detect.
c. Access List: ”Enable IP address filter” can set IP address which can allow
or deny to this camera. There are two options, single and range, for user to
set the IP address.
d. QoS/DSCP(Quality of Server/Differentiated Services Code-point):
DSCP specifies a simple mechanism for classifying and managing network
traffic and provide QoS on IP networks. DSCP is a 6-bit in the IP header for
packet classification purpose. Please define the reserve for Live Stream,
Event / Alarm and Management.
e. IEEE 802.1x: IEEE 802.1x is an IEEE standard for port-based Network
Access Control. It provides an authentication mechanism to device wishing
to attach to a LAN or WLAN.