Electrical Systems
Battery Disconnect Switch
The battery disconnect switch allows for 12-volt power to be disconnected from the RV batteries. This
switch is located inside the exterior storage compartment on the passenger side behind an access panel in
the front wall (See picture below for identification). Fifth-wheel models will be located just inside the
passenger side exterior storage compartment on the forward wall.
The battery disconnect switch is typically used when your RV is put into either long term or short-term
storage. Its purpose is to prevent the RV batteries from draining due to any 12-volt appliance or
equipment that requires a constant draw of power. It is recommended to turn the disconnect switch 'Off'
for any time that 12-volt power is not needed at the RV including during travel. Disconnecting 12-volt
power to your RV with the battery disconnect switch does not disable solar charging functions or
marker/taillight operations as wired from the factory.
The RV batteries are the heart of the 12-volt system. When your RV is not connected to shore power, or
if the generator (if equipped) is not running, most power needs are supplied by the batteries. If battery
voltages are low, many problems can occur. It is very important to maintain the batteries in a full state of
charge and to monitor their status regularly. The power converter charging, and solar systems will help
you maintain your battery voltage capacity however when the RV is not connected to shore power or a
running generator, you must be energy efficient. Turn off any 12-volt lighting, appliances or equipment
not currently being used. Learn to conserve your battery power.
Low battery charge or bad batteries are a common cause of poor performance of slide-out rooms,
appliances and other components connected to the 12-volt system. Under low voltage, fuse and circuit
breakers can blow without a short circuit condition. The refrigerator control system requires at least 10.5
volts and will shut down even with propane supplied, potentially ruining food in the refrigerator. Low
voltage can also cause the furnace fan to run to slowly to operate an internal switch controlling the
furnace gas valve which will shut the furnace down. Avoid running the batteries down completely. The
breakaway switch emergency braking system relies on 12-volt power from your RV battery bank to
function properly.
Pictured at the right is the battery
disconnect switch shown in the
'On' position. In the on-position
battery power will be supplied to
the 12-volt circuits of your RV.
Your switch may be either red or
black. There is no functional
difference between the two colors.