Plumbing Systems
The two or three tanks are not interconnected in any way other than the final drain connection and can
be drained individually through a common outlet.
In order to help prevent hard deposits from building up within the black tank and help to reduce
unwanted odors, it is recommended to always keep a small amount of water in the black tank. Generally
just enough to cover the bottom will do. This is easily done by filling the toilet bowl and dumping a few
When using your RV drainage system and holding tanks it is recommended that the black holding tank
valve is kept closed until the tank is at least 3/4 full. If the black holding tank is allowed to constantly
drain with the valve open, you may create a residue build up that will become difficult to flush out later.
Additionally, waste will build up along the internal edges of the drain valve potentially creating a
situation where the valve may not fully close which in-turn will cause a sewer leakage problem that may
not be resolved without disassembling the entire valve assembly. During self-containment use, the drain
valves and outlet should be securely closed and capped to prevent leakage of waste materials onto the
Do not put these items in toilet or drains:
Facial tissues, paper towels, sanitary products (including those labeled flushable),
wrappers, gum, cigarettes.
Detergents or bleach.
Automotive antifreeze, ammonia, alcohols, or acetones.
Grease from cooking, table scraps or other solids that may cause clogging.
Quick tips to keep your waste tanks flowing freely:
Keep black tank valve closed until tanks are at least 3/4 full before dumping.
Be sure to keep enough water in the black tank to cover the bottom to reduce sticking of
Use only RV specific toilet paper which is designed to decompose much faster than
household toilet papers.
Use only cleaners and deodorizing chemicals approved for use in RV holding tanks.
These chemicals are designed to aid in breaking down solid wastes and make the system
much more pleasant to use and clean.
Do not use harsh household drain cleaners.
Should you ever have a buildup of solids, your RV is equipped with a Black Tank Flush System which
will likely clear this up. See section in this chapter titled
'Black Tank Flush System'
for direction. If the
problem continues, it may be necessary to purchase a wastewater digester from your local RV dealer
which can be added to the tank to help break down solids. Depending on the severity of the situation, it
may be necessary to repeat these procedures.
Draining Holding Tanks
Prior to draining your waste holding tanks it is recommended that you wear protective equipment such
as safety glasses or goggles, rubber gloves, and or face shield to prevent potential splashing of
wastewater onto your mouth, nose and eyes.