© Outdoor Life Group Nederland B.V. - v16.1
General information
IMPORTANT: Check the contents of this package before you start with the construction. Outdoor Life Products is not
responible for the extra costs incurred due to insufficient pre-check prior to the start of the construction.
Dear Customer,
Congratulations on your purchase. You purchased a durable wood product
that you will enjoy for years to come. For best results we bring the following
points to your attention:
- The goods must be checked within 14 days after receipt. Before the
start of construction.
- We need to inform you that Outdoor Life Group Nederland B.V. cannot be
held responsible for any additional costs due to an insufficient check before
the start of construction.
- Unpack the wood two days before start of contraction so it can adjust to the
areas humidity level.
- Take off the foil and place the planks and beams apart from each other in a
place where they are not exposed to sun and rain.
- Check with help of the packing list, in the package, to ensure that all parts
are present.
- It is important to restack the log cabin parts if assembly is not or cannot be
carried out immediately and to cover it with the foil that served as protection
for the pallet so that they are not exposed to sun and rain.
- Do not store the package in a heated room
In case of home deliveries
The log cabin is delivered on a pallet packed in foil. The delivery address
must be accessible for lorries with a permissible total weight of 38 tonnes
and a length of 18 metres.
Receipt of goods
Before you sign the delivery manifest of the carrier, you should check the
1. Do the details on the delivery manifest correspond with your order?
2. Is any damage visible on the outside?
If any of the above checks are not satisfactory, this should be marked on the
manifest and endorsed by the carrier before you sign for the delivery.
We take great care in production and packaging in order to deliver a quality
product. It can, however, happen that the delivered goods are not satisfactory.
If any parts are missing or damaged in such a way so as they cannot be used,
this should be reported in writing or by e-mail or fax to our customer service
desk within 14 days.
After Sales
Should you have a complaint, there is an “After Sales form” included in the
package. Read the instructions on this form carefully and fill it in with the
following information:
- Order number: this is the number under which the order is registered and
processed by us. You can find this number on the sticker on the package and
on the delivery manifest (CMR- Freight letter).
- Production number: this is a number used for the series productions; it starts
with the two letters PO. You will find the number on the sticker of the package
and/or stamped on the assembly instruction booklet.
- Your name, address, telephone number and e-mail address.
- The article number(s) of the part(s) concerned with a report of the complaint.
You can fax or email the complete filled out complaint form and with pictures
in case of damaged parts together with the delivery note to:
Outdoor Life Group Nederland B.V.
Customer service desk
Lage Akkerweg 13
5711 DD Someren
Fax: (+31) (0)493-441510
Email: [email protected]
Of course you can also contact your dealer.
We will process your complaint carefully and if the complaint is justified we
will send replacement parts as soon as possible. Complaints concerning
materials that have been painted cannot be accepted.
- Read the assembly instructions carefully and follow the instructions/
drawings accurately.
- It is important to have a 100% flat, level and stable foundation for the cabin.
You can choose between
• A foundation with ring joists
• Concrete tiles
• A concrete foundation beam or a concrete floor
- The junction between foundation and log cabin can be sealed with silicone.
Useful tips:
- Ensure that the base on which the log cabin is placed is firm and level.
- Ensure that the foundation and floor joists are placed several centimetres
above ground level.
- Make sure the log cabin is anchored to the base or foundation
- Do not make any vertical connections to your cabin, your cabin must ne able
to shrink and expand (in height)
- Remember to insure your log cabin.
- Provide sufficient ventilation in your log cabin.
- Lubricate the lock once a year with graphite powder.
- Use soap to clean the acrylic glass. Never use an abrasive.
- The plastic foil can be used as a damp proof separating layer between
foundation and the log cabin.
- During unpacking of the pallet, you must separate the boards and wall logs
prior to lifting them up in order to prevent damage to the tongue and groove.
- Prior to the assembly of the log cabin, you have to treat the tongue and
groove of the wall parts as well as the floor and roofing parts with a moisturi-
zing- UV-resistant stain. You can use the same stain for protection of the wood
of the entire log cabin after assembly. Repeating this treatment regularly will
significantly prolong the life of your log cabin.
- Depending on the local conditions, it is best you treat the inside of the log
cabin and the door at least every three years with a moisture resistant stain.
For paint advice you can contact your supplier.
Wood is a natural living product. This means that every piece of wood has a
different structure and pattern. It is quite normal that deviations can appear in
wood; this gives wood its natural charm.
Tolerable deviations of log cabin wood:
- Knots grown into the wood
- Knots falling out with a maximum diameter of 4 cm
- Shavings, tree bark on the backside of roof and floor boards, provided that
the visible side can be assembled.
- Discolorations (these do not affect the life span)
- Cracks that do not affect the construction
- Resin stains
- Distortion, twisting and warping of the wood
- Finger joints in walls as well as doors and windows.
- Light damage of tongue and groove
- Warping of doors and windows
- Roughness of wooden surfaces
5 year guarantee to construction and material, excluding hinges and locks.
Not covered by the guarantee are defects resulting from:
- A faulty foundation
- Non-observance of the assembly instructions
- Mould and rot due to inadequate or insufficient maintenance or incorrect
paint system
- Faulty, not competently laid or insufficient roofing material
- Joining wall logs, window and door frames by screws or nails
- Damage as a result of not competently built up or altered installation
- The absence of and/or faulty attached roof anchoring
- Natural disasters or other forceful influences
- Wind speeds over force 7 on the Beaufort scale.
- Windows and doors are not offered as standard with real glass. If this does
happen, and any glass damage occurs, this cannot be claimed based on
the delivery.
- Your log cabin has to be properly anchored against stormy weather
- Insurance of your log cabin is, as a rule, not included in a standard house or
household policy. If desired you can insure your cabin against damages from
outside, including vandalism and stormy weather. Contact your insurance
agent about the possibilities.
- Assembly instructions are included for any additional delivered accessories
such as porch, flower box, shutters, and additions.
Important! Possible causes of any occurring problems.
A. Crack forming in the walls
Wood is alive and adjusts to changing weather conditions. In some areas
this situation occurs to an extreme. In extremely dry weather it can occur that
a crack appears between some of the wall logs. If this situation arises you
have to act as follows:
Step 1: Remove the uppermost part of the doorframe on the inside of the door
in order to check if the beam underneath is still leaning on the doorframe.
If this is the case, follow steps 2 through 5. If this is not the case, contact
Outdoor Life Group Nederland B.V. or your dealer.
Step 2: In order to remove a crack, unscrew the cover of the doorframe on the
inside and remove the door and the frame.
Step 3: Using a saw increase the door opening at the top by ….cm (depending
on the size of the crack, but at most 1 cm).
Step 4: If the crack is still present, softly tap with a hammer on the roof above
the corner joint (use a rubber hammer) until the wall beams are back in their
original positions.
Step 5: Replace door and windows.
B. Roof boards bulging
Each roof board has to be attached with two nails per joint (side walls and roof
beams). If only one nail is used per joint, the roof board will move obliquely
and upwards.
C. Damage of tongue and groove
It is possible that the tongue and grooves are partially damaged during trans-
portation. As long as the protection between tongue and groove is guaranteed
during assembly, it does not portray a reason to claim. Slight damage to the
tongue and groove does not affect the stability of your cabin.
Information impregnation (brown, green, anthracite)
Through the process of “impregnation”, the percentage of moisture in the
log cabin wood at the time of delivery is relatively high. By introduction of
moisture at the impregnation process, as a result, the expansion of the
timber will occur!
This means that the wall beams at the time of delivery and construction will be
higher then it’s original height. This could mean a few millimetres in height per
wall beam. Therefore it is possible that during and after building of your cabin
an larger open space above your door and window frame is visible, which can
be covered by the enclosed strips (outside) the original height returns during
the process of natural drying of the log cabin, and will shrink in height (bags)
that this open space will disappear. In a dry period the “shrink-process” goes
faster than in a wet period.
Incidentally, it is structurally necessary that an open space is present above
the door and window frame, to be able to cope with this differences in height
of the log cabin in dry and humid season periods.
Maintenance: impregnation gives initial protection against weather influences,
you must maintain your cabin on both the inside and outside regularly with a
coat of wood preservative / paint.
You will find more information concerning log cabins and other wood products
on our webpage (www.outdoorlifeproducts.com)