* Assemble your tent before camping to become
familiar with the assembly.
* Select a clean, level area for the campsite free
of debris and sharp objects, away from a
natural watercourse.
* Use of a ground cloth is recommended to
prolong the life of the tent floor and provide
additional insulation and moisture protection.
* To prevent damage to the zippers, unzip the
doors and windows of the tent prior to
disassembly allowing air to move freely.
* Seam seal the inside stitched seams of the tent.
This will improve weather resistance. Available
in sporting goods departments. Discolouration
may occur if applied to outside seams.
CTC1611078POP (076-5441-0)
Step 4: Stake tent
1) Stake down the tent by inserting a stake through the stake loops, located along the
perimeter of the tent.
2) Hammer the stakes into the ground at a 45
angle using a hammer or mallet.
Stakes : 8 each
The fiberglass poles used in this tent are under
constant tension and require an adult to carefully
assemble and fold for storage.
Do not attempt to expand tent unless you are in
a large open area, away from people, flames or
fragile items to avoid injury or property damage.
NOTE: USE CAUTION when removing pop-up tent
from carry bag! It will automatically and very
rapidly expand when the elastic safety strap is
Step 1: Read instructions, remove from
bag, verify contents
1) Read all instructions and cautions carefully
before proceeding.
2) Remove tent from bag.
3) Verify that contents include 1 tent and
8 stakes.
Step 2: Remove strap
1) Carefully remove strap.
Keep a firm grip on the tent poles until you
are in an appropriate open area that is
large enough to expand this tent.
Step 3: Hold the tent at arms length as you release your grip of the tensioned poles to avoid any possible injury or property damage.
Step 6: Secure guy lines
1) Secure tent using all guy lines and stakes.
Tent must be secured for proper function.
Step 5: Fasten the fly
1) Position the fly over the roof. Fasten s-hooks
at the edges of the fly to the tent.
CTC1611078POP 05/15