5-point positioning belt COMFORT:
Install - release central buckle, Strip both main belt webbing from plastic slip locks and hip pads and shoulder pad
twins. Loop both lower webbing ends (with webbing loops) to anchoring points ( see PIC1). Push the central buck-
le webbing , which is sewed on the crotch belt through the hole on the seat ( see PIC2).
Choose desired backrest belt-holes in backrest to set the proper position of the shoulders straps. The hole should be
level with or higher than the top of the shoulders (the shoulders straps must be mounted through backrest and
backrest extension at once—size 38,42, when possible). Interlace the shoulder pad twins through the pair of desired
backrest belt-holes. (see PIC3). Assemble the right side webbing: push the webbing through the hip pad , central
buckle , one side of shoulder pad twins and backrest belt-holes ( see PIC4 to 6).