Definition of terms
Genium - Bionic Prosthetic System
Ottobock | 67
Definition of terms
Genium - Bionic Prosthetic System
Ottobock | 67
Thomas test:
The Thomas test is a method to determine the range of motion of the hip and, in particular, a hip flexion contracture.
1. In order to determine the degree of hip flexion contracture, the patient lies down on the examining table (or other
flat surface) without the prosthesis.
2. Place one hand under the lordosis of the patient’s lumbar spine. Now the patient uses both arms to pull the sound
leg as close as possible to the body until the spine is pressing on your hand. This fixates the pelvis in the normal
3. Determine the hip flexion contracture on the affected side. The hip flexion contracture corresponds to the angle
between the thigh and the horizontal plane. If the patient is able to fully extend the hip of the affected side, there is
no hip flexion contracture. Enter the value of flexion contracture in the X-Soft adjustment software under "Residual
limb/hip flexion contracture".
Determining a socket reference point:
1. Mark the centre of the distal part of the socket in the sagittal plane.
2. Mark the proximal centre in the sagittal plane.
3. Connect the two points with a line and extend it to the lowest point of the socket.
4. Establish the tuberosity and define the socket reference point 30 mm above the tuberosity on the connecting line
drawn before.
Since the trochanter is often difficult to recognise as a reference point or because of changes in the hip and pelvic
region due to the amputation, this process to determine the socket reference point as the assumed hip rotation point
is intended to facilitate prosthesis alignment.
If the L.A.S.A.R./PRO.S.A. Assembly is used, the socket reference point must be marked when the prosthesis is
already secured in the alignment apparatus.
This is due to the 5° outward rotation of the prosthesis in the alignment apparatus.