OticOn ActO
Shaping the Receiver Unit
To better customizehow the hearing device fits on the ear
it may be necessary to manipulate the Receiver. This is
especially true if the Receiver wire is too short and the
client reports that the earpiece tends to slip out or it can’t be
inserted deep enough in the ear canal.
One check for this situation is to try another dome size.
Sometimes a smaller dome size will allow the Receiver unit to
move further in the canal.
If the wire is still not flush, you might want to change the curve
of the Receiver wire to either straighten it a little or to change
the insertion depth. This is not difficult, but the following
steps are important to avoid damaging the Receiver unit:
• Use a hair dryer or spectacle instrument at low heat setting.
• Heat for a short time – a matter of seconds.
• Bend into desired shape and keep shape until wire
is cooled off.
• Do not use excessive heat and do not exceed 130°C.
Lengthening the Receiver
• To add length to the Receiver straighten the S portion
of the Receiver wire as marked.
Bend into the Canal
• Adjust this bend to stop the wire from bowing out from
the side of the client’s ear, or to increase the depth of
Receiver insertion.
Bend into the canal