10/100 speed and duplex mode of a mating auto-negotiating device
connected to its UTP port.
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-switch is in the “Man” position, the converter
does not auto-negotiate and operates in the mode selected by the Full/Half-
Duplex “FDX/HDX” and “10/100” DIP-switches.
UTP 10/100 “10 / 100” DIP-switch
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-switch is in the “Man” position, the UTP
“10/100” DIP-switch selects the speed of the UTP port. When in the “100”
position (factory default), the UTP port operates at 100 Mbps. When in
the “10” position the UTP port operates at 10 Mbps.
UTP Full/Half-Duplex “FDX / HDX” DIP-switch
When the UTP “AN/Man” DIP-switch is in the “Man” position, the “FDX/HDX”
DIP-switch selects the duplex mode of the UTP port. When in the “FDX” position
(factory default), the UTP port operates in Full-Duplex mode. When in the
“HDX” position, the UTP port operates in Half-Duplex. Set the duplex mode
to match the connecting device and check for link status.
Note: Attaching an auto-negotiating UTP port of the 6750-FK to a device with
a manual/forced/hard-coded UTP port may result in an unpredictable port
setting with excessive collisions and poor link performance. When operating
in Manual mode, both mating ports MUST be set manually to the same speed
and duplex mode.
Media Converter Module - On-Board
The Media Converter Module has an on-board DIP-switch for the configuration
of the Link Mode and Backplane connectivity. See Section 6.0 for more
information on the Link Modes. The module is preconfigured as illustrated
Remote Fault Detect Enable
Backplane Enable
Link Propagate/Link Segment
Not Used (Factory Set)
Media Converter Module On-Board DIP-switches
Remote Fault Detection “RFD” DIP-switch
When the Remote Fault Detect “RFD” DIP-switch is in the UP position, the
RFD mode is selected. When in the DOWN position (factory default), the
RFD mode is disabled.
Note: Connecting two converters with both set to RFD mode is an illegal
setting and will cause a “deadly embrace” lockup.
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