A and B Backplane Enable “BPOEN” DIP-switch
This DIP-switch must be in the UP position (factory default) for the module to
operate correctly. The backplane must be enabled for the Media Converter
Module to communicate.
Link Propagate/Link Segment “LP” DIP-switch
When both the Link Propagate/Link Segment “LP” and the Remote Fault Detect
“RFD” DIP-switches are in the DOWN position (factory default), Link Segment
mode is enabled. When the Link Propagate/Link Segment “LP” DIP-switch is
in the UP position, and the Remote Fault Detect “RFD” DIP-switch is in the
DOWN position, Link Propagate mode is enabled.
Note: Setting both the “LP” and the “ RFD” to the UP positions on the same
module is an illegal mode that will result in unpredictable behavior.
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