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Please read through these instructions carefully before use and keep them for subsequent
reference in order to guarantee the safety of your child. Non-compliance with the instructions
in this manual may result in serious injuries to your child.
The child seat can only be used with its own 5-point belt system for children who weigh
under 18 kg (group 0+ and group 1).
The child seat CANNOT be used with its own 5-point belt system for children who weigh
over 18 kg (group 2/3).
The child car seat can be installed in a rear-facing position and forward-facing position with
the Isofix fixture and the support leg. Important: Do not install forward facing until the weight
of the child reaches at least 9 kg.
For the Isofix installation: Be sure to read the car manufacturer’s manual.
Do not use load bearing contact points other than those described in the instructions and
marked in the child restraint system.
Do not use this child car seat at home. It has not been designed for use at home and should
therefore only be used in a car.
Do not leave your child unsupervised in the seat at any time.
Do not place the rear-facing child car seat on the front seat with an airbag. This could result
in death or serious injury.
The child seat should be replaced if it is exposed to heavy impact during an accident.
For safety reasons, the child car seat must be secured in the vehicle even when your child is
not sitting in the child car seat.
Always make sure that all belts that hold the seat holder to the vehicle are secure and that
all belts that restrain the child are adjusted to the child’s body. Please also ensure that the
belts are not twisted.
Items of luggage or other objects that could cause injury in the event of a collision must be
properly secured.
The rigid items and plastic parts of a child restraint system must be placed and installed so
that they cannot get caught by a movable seat or a vehicle door during everyday use.
It is important that low-lying belts hold the pelvis firmly in place. To avoid the risk of falling,
your child should always be strapped in.
It is dangerous to make changes or additions to the product without approval from the
responsible authority. Non-compliance with the installation instructions provided by the
manufacturer of the child restraint system is also associated with risks.
This child seat has been designed for newborns and children weighing up to 36 kg. Never
overload the child seat by transporting more than one child or additional loads in it.
The child restraint system must not be used without the seat cover.
The seat cover must not be replaced by a cover other than that recommended by the
manufacturer as this seat cover is an important component of the restraint performance.