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OSAKA- CI 49 Operating instructions. PAGE 3 




To the first pulse received by the CNT input the counter goes in 
counting mode that is signalled by the led SET/CNT. 
Under this condition it is possible to visualize and to modify the 
set, but it is not possible to program the parameters. 
To enter in the parameters programming mode is needed to 
reset the counter through the RESET input if par. “E”=1 or the 
key F if par. "t" = 1. 
The reset of the display and of the output happens 
automatically when operation mode is "F1" = 1 (Restart) or "F1" 
= 2 (Restart-lap) or can be manual through the RESET input if 
par. “E”=1 or the key F if par. "t" = 1. 
Through the parameter "E" it is possible to use the RESET 
input to operate as command of reverse counting. 
When you program the par. "E" = 2 to the activation of the input 
the counting is reversed and therefore the acquired pulses are 
subtracted if countig mode is UP ("C"=1) or added if countig 
mode is DOWN ("C"=2). 


In this operation mode it is necessary to pay  attention at 
counting  speed because the Reset input have a delay of 15 
msec. and  therefore the inversion of the calculation is not 
For this reason the use of the function recommends only when 
the input frequency is low. 
Using a contact that closes with advance in comparison to the 
other to which is connected is possible to realize, for instance, 
the following application of UP/DOWN counting. 


With this UP/DOWN counting applications the counting cannot 
assume negative values and therefore reached  the value 0 
(counting UP) or the set value (counting DOWN) others pulses 
can’t be acquired. 
In order of the model the counting signal can be from free 
voltage  contacts, from devices with transistor output NPN 
(models with  inputs C) or from voltage signals  with the same 
voltage of the instrument supply (models with inputs V). 
The instruments with inputs type C have besides an output (12 
VDC) to supply the counting device (proximity, photocell or 
other) with transistor output NPN. 


In order to the counting frequency is advisable to program the 
filter  software of the par. "H" that it allows to select the 

maximum  counting frequency and to avoid  false counting (for 
instance caused by the contacts rebounds). 
Particularly for the instruments with inputs type V (voltage 
signals) it  recommends to program the parameter "H"< 3 
because the instrument could count the pulses produced by the 
main supply frequency. 


The led SET/CNT is used to indicate the access into the 
programming (flashing), the counting in action (on) or the 
counting finished and the state of reset (off). 
The counting in action is considered when the first pulse is 
acquired after the reset. 
After the reset, the display visualizes 0000 if the counting mode 
is  programmed as UP (par. 


= 1) or it visualizes the 

programmed set value if the counting mode is programmed as 
DOWN (par. 


= 2). 

The par. 


permits the user to divide the number of pulses 

received by the input and to use the result as the counting 
value of the counter (both for display and the outputs operating 


The instrument can be programmed by the parameter 



operate in any of the following 3 modes: 
F1 = 1 - RESTART: 
When reaching the programmed set or the 0000 value 
(depending on whether the counting mode is UP or DOWN) the 
ouput OUT1 is  activated and it remains in this state for the 
whole time programmed  in the 


parameter; the display 

shows the value reached, and the counter does not count any 
pulses received during this time. 
When the "r" time has elapsed the output is deactivated and 
the counter automatically resets counting, thus setting itself for 
a new cycle: it then starts again to count the pulses received. 
Therefore, reset of counting and output occurs when the "r" 
time has elapsed. 


F1 = 2 - RESTART-LAP: 
This operating mode is similar to the previous one, the only 
difference being that during the 


time the counter  - even 

though it continues to display the value reached and maintains 
the output activated - counts all the eventual pulses it receives. 
When the "r" time has elapsed, output is deactivated and 
counting  continues starting from the value reached during the 
"r" time. 
Therefore, the counting reset occurs when the programmed set 
has  been reached, while the output OUT1 reset is carried out 
when the "r" time has elapsed. 


F1 = 3 - COUNT: 
The output OUT1 is activated when the programmed set or the 
0000 value have been reached (counting mode may be UP or 
DOWN),  and it remains  activated until receiving the  manual 
reset control,  which can be transmitted by the remote input 
RES or the front key. 
