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General Instructions 

There are different ways of putting on an orthosis. At 
your final fitting, your orthotist will demonstrate 

and explain the most appropriate method for you to 
put on and remove your orthosis. 


Your orthosis must be worn with shoes and thin 
cotton socks/stockings.  Socks/stockings reduce 
friction and protect your skin from perspiration, 

and should be as long as the orthosis and wrinkle 
free.  Wrinkles can cause pressure areas on the skin.   


Natural fibers such as cotton allow better air circu-
lation and  absorption.  Try to avoid using fabric 
softeners that can cause rashes. 


Talcum powder, 


 moisturizer, is recommended 

for use inside stockings. 


Your orthosis was designed and fabricated for a 
specific heel height.  Your shoes must be the same 
heel height or your knee 


 feel unstable. 


 Appropriate shoes are very important for comfort, 

function , and stability.  We recommend sneakers, 
walking shoes, and orthopedic extra-depth shoes.  
Your orthotist can assist with shoe choices.  In 
Arizona’s heat, athletic sandals are an alternative. 

 Natural materials like leather breathe better and keep 
feet cooler and happier. 



W E A R   A N D   C A R E  


Your orthosis was designed and fabricated to fit 
you with maximum comfort. Like a new pair of 
shoes, it may take time before the orthosis feels 

natural. Some patients have limited or no sensa-
tion in their legs and/or feet. Self-examination and 
a slow, consistent break-in period are 



portant. This allows soft tissue adaptation and pre-

vents the formation of calluses and ulcers. It may 
take as long as one month before your orthosis 
can be worn full time. 


Always follow your orthotist’s instructions re-

garding the length of time to wear the orthosis 
to build up tolerance. 


Properly fit orthoses exert firm, steady pressure 
to control the abnormal functions of limbs. An 
orthosis should fit well enough to avoid sharp 
pain, bruises, calluses, or blisters.  


Extended periods of standing or hot, humid 
weather can result in legs and feet swelling. If 
you experience swelling, remove the orthosis 
and elevate your legs until the swelling disap-


Your weight must remain constant. Weight 
fluctuations can cause orthoses to function or 
fit improperly. 


Growth plays an important role in orthosis fit. 

Children need to be monitored for growth to 
ensure continued comfort and function.  

Remember, if you experience any discomfort, 
swelling, or redness remove your orthosis and call 
our office as soon as possible. 


Your new orthosis was designed by a certified 
orthotist using the highest standards of 
modern medical technology. The orthotists at 

Orthotic Specialists, Inc. are professionally 
trained to evaluate, fabricate, fit, and maintain 
your custom-made orthosis. 






Patients with diabetes, peripheral neuropathy, 
peripheral vascular disease, or reduced skin sen-
sation must be extra cautious. Examine your 

feet and ankles daily. Even minor skin irrita-
tions should be treated promptly. 

51 E. Monterey Way 
Phoenix, Arizona85012 

Phone: 602-263-1010 
Fax: 602-263-7473 

O R T H O T I C   S P E C I A L I S T S  
