Dear Customer,
Thank you very much for your trust in an Actius by Orliman
product. You have purchased a quality product. Please read
the instructions carefully before using the product and use
the product only as described and for the intended purposes.
If you have any questions about the use, maintenance or sa-
fety of your product, contact the healthcare establishment
where you purchased the product or our customer service
This product is compliant with the European Directive on Me-
dical Devices 93/42/EEC (Spanish Royal Decree 1591/2009).
A Risk Analysis (EN ISO 14971) was done, minimising all exis-
ting risks.
Strictly observe municipal ordinance when discarding the
packaging and product.
Increase mobility with self-propelled movement or an assis-
tant for people who can’t walk or with reduced mobility inside
and outside as long as the ground is firm, level and dry. The
occupant must not weigh more than the maximum weight
Your wheelchair is equipped with a unique serial number. You
can find this number on the frame of your wheelchair. Below
is an example of the frame label where you can find the
identification number. You will also find an explanation of
the different types of information included on the label, as
indicated below.
1. Model name: the name of the model of your wheelchair.
2. Serial number: each wheelchair has its own unique serial
number. You must have this number when making tech-
nical queries. The serial number will also be required for
parts under warranty.
3. Maximum occupant weight: the highest occupant weight
allowed for wheelchair and occupant safety.
4. Production date: the date your wheelchair was manufac-
5. Model number: this number indicates the wheelchair mo-
del you have and will also always be required for technical
Under no circumstance will ORLIMAN be liable for any bodily
injury or property damage which may occur when using the
wheelchair contrary to the laws or ordinances. If used co-
rrectly, the product offers the utmost safety and stability as
long as the instructions for use described in this manual are
followed. However, dangerous situations may occur when the
wheelchair is not used correctly.
4.1. General safety rules
Protect your wheelchair by checking it regularly. Dangerous
situations may occur when any part on the wheelchair is not
working properly.
� Warning: You must keep your wheelchair in good condi-
tions to guarantee safe use.
4.2. Warnings for safe use
• Please carefully read the instructions for use before
using the product. You must be familiar with how to
handle it and how it works before using. Your safety
may be jeopardised if you do not pay attention to these
instructions. Also remember that complete protection is
impossible as is preventing unexpected circumstances
and situations.
• Do not go up or down stairs without the help of an as-
sistant. You should use ramps or lifts if available. If
there are no available infrastructures for wheelchairs,
the chair must be maneuvered by two people to over-
come any obstacles.
• Accidents may occur when maneuvering the chair wi-
thout experience. Falls and other dangerous situations
may occur. Therefore, make yourself familiar with the
new wheelchair by practising on firm, smooth ground.
Learn how the chair works upon changes in the centre
of gravity on ramps or sloped ground or when getting
around obstacles like stairs or curves, for example. This
must be done with the help of another person.
• Not following the instructions described in this manual
may cause damage to the wheelchair or bodily injury to
the occupant.
• Avoid using your wheelchair on roads. Use pavements
if possible.
• Do not use your wheelchair in sand or on irregular, wet
or slippery surfaces or when there is a lack of adhe-
• Do not use the wheelchair when it is broken or is not
working properly.
• These standard chairs are not approved for transport in
handicapped adapted vehicles. Wheelchair users must
always be transferred to adapted seats in a vehicle.
If these instructions are not observed, the wheelchair
could fail in the event of an accident and cause harm
to the occupant as well as any other passenger in the
• Do not recline backwards when in the wheelchair. This
can cause the wheelchair to tip over.
• Before leaning forward or beginning to move, sit firmly
back in the chair and turn the wheels forwards in para-
llel to each other.
• Do not push the wheelchair near kerbs.
• Before leaning forwards sit firmly against the backrest
and make sure that the front wheels are facing forward.
• Never connect anything to the wheels. This may dama-
ge the wheelchair and negatively affect the wheelchair
balance and harm the occupant.
• Engage the brakes when you want to get up or someo-
ne is lifting you up. The brakes on the wheels do not
brake the forward movement but are rather designed
to lock the wheel when the chair is stopped. The wheel
brakes must not be used as a way to slow down be-
cause suddenly locking the wheel could cause falls in
extreme situations.
• The maximum weight capacity is indicated on your
wheelchair frame label and in the TECHNICAL DATA
section. The maximum occupant weight includes the
occupant’s weight plus the weight of the accessories
installed on the wheelchair and any other built-in ele-
ment (shopping bag, portable oxygen equipment, etc.).
• For suitable protection from potential obstruction, the