Telescope assembly
1. Remove the tube rings around the telescope tube by
loosening the thumb nuts on the rings and opening the
hinges. (
Figure 14)
2. Attach the tube rings to the Alt-Azimuth Mount using
the screws provided (attach from the bottom, tighten).
Figure 15)
3. With the Tube Rings open, lay the telescope tube in the
rings, close the rings and secure with the thumb nuts on
the Tube Rings. Finger-tight is fine, do not over-tighten.
Figure 16)
4. Loosen the Tube Rings to adjust the balance if needed.
5. Install the Slow Motion Control Cables by sliding the
open end with the thumbscrew over the notched pins
on the Altazimuth Mount. Tighten the thumbscrew when
it is over the flat surface on the notched pin. The Slow
Motion Cable near the base of the Mount, will move
the telescope slowly left-right, the other Slow Motion
control Cable will move the telescope up and down. The
telescope is aimed by holding the tube and moving it to
the general area, the slow motion Control Cables will
allow you to center an object and track it as it moves
across the sky (everything in the sky slowly moves east
to west, caused by the earth’s rotation – motorized or
computer controlled telescopes do this “tracking” for you
automatically). (
Figure 17)
Finder Scope Assembly
1. The finder will slide into a “Dovetail” bracket/port on the
top/side of the telescope.
2. Locate the “Red Dot” Finder scope in the accessory box
and install the battery in the Red Dot Finder – make sure
it is off when you store the telescope – it will drain the
battery if left on for an extended period.
3. Position the red Dot Finder scope in the dovetail port on
the top of the telescope; secure with the thumbscrew on
the side of the port. (
Figure 18)
4. The Red Dot Finder scope or Finder is a “reflex” finder
– when you look through the finder (from about a foot
away), keeping BOTH eyes open, you will see a red dot
where the telescope is aiming (you need to initially align
the finder scope, as described later).
5. The red Dot Finder scope has adjustable brightness
(there is a dial on the side), you will want to keep it pretty
dim when your eyes have dark adapted and you are
looking for faint objects in the sky. Again, be sure to turn
it off after using the telescope. Since it is a dim red light,
the Red Dot is not really meant to be used during the
Figure 18.
Figure 15.
Figure 16.
Figure 17.