2. If the object you have chosen is at least a half mile to a
kilometer away, look through the finder and center the
cross hair on the same part of the object you are viewing
through the telescope using the three set screws on
the side of the finder scope. Now, with the finder scope
aligned, you can point the wide-field finder at brighter
objects in the sky and they should be visible in the main
telescope. (
Figure 11)
3. Get used to the “feel” of operating your telescope by
practicing on objects on the ground during the day.
4. Orion suggests your first night time target be the first
quarter moon!
5. Go to Orion’s Community Learning Center to find out
where the planets are and where other interesting
objects in the night time sky are located and how to star-
hop to locate them: http://www.telescope.com/catalog/
6. The 10mm high power eyepiece gives higher power for
close ups of the moon and planets; use the 25mm wide
angle eyepiece to find any object on the ground and sky,
switch to high power, if needed and if the object is bright
enough (many deep sky objects are best seen with the
wide angle eyepiece).
7. The high power eyepiece will probably be needed to see
the rings of Saturn and details on Jupiter; the moon will
look spectacular! The StarBlast 70 can usefully reach
powers of about 137X with high power eyepieces (many
sizes are available as options).
8. Always try to observe away from city lights for the most
impressive views!
StarBlast 90
Tripod Assembly
1. Unpack the telescope and lay the parts out in clear work
2. Take each tripod leg and loosen the height adjustment
clamp, extending the tripod leg, retighten the clamp
securely (finger-tight, no need for tools).
3. Spread the tripod legs apart and stand the telescope
tripod upright. Adjust the tripod legs’ height to make the
telescope level, if needed.
4. Place the accessory tray on TOP of the center brackets
between the tripod legs and secure it with the three
wingnut locking knobs from UNDERNEATH the center
bracket and the tray. (
Figure 12)
5. The Alt-azimuth Mount itself is attached to the tripod by
three wing nuts on long screws that go through the top of
the tripod legs (the mount may be packaged separate in
some versions of this telescope; if not you don’t need this
(Figure 13)
Figure 11.
Figure 13.
Figure 12.
Figure 14.
Tripod leg adjustment screws